Jo loves interacting with kids and is energized and inspired by their curious nature. With her school visits she hopes to encourage the love of reading and keep those creative juices flowing! Check out the link at the bottom of the page with some fun Peg activity sheets!
Grades K-2 45 minutes
Jo starts this presentation with a little about herself and how she became an author and illustrator, including lots of fun samples of her work from the past through the present. After reading PEG GETS CRACKIN' (or PEG GETS PLUCKY if the event is after March 2025) she likes to discuss the message of this funny, engaging character, Peg. The fear of sometimes trying new things. Jo loves to include time for questions and conversation, and she is always amazed at the insight that kids offer. The presentation ends with a simple, fun activity where everyone 'breaks out of their shell'. Jo hopes to inspire kids to try new things and also spark an interest in reading! For more information and event cost, contact me at JoRenfro59@gmail.com .
Grades 3-5 45 minutes
This presentation focuses on the entire journey of an idea becoming a book,
using the example of PEG GETS CRACKIN' and her next adventure coming in the spring of 2025, PEG GETS PLUCKY. Jo starts with where the idea initially 'hatched' and bounces through the entire process of how it became a book! She discusses the entire publishing process and the patience and perseverence that is involved. A journey that can include rejections and the openness to work with a team to make a book the very best that it can be. She always leaves time for questions and conversation and enjoys gaining insight from kids themselves. For more information and event cost, please contact me at JoRenfro59@gmail.com .
45 minutes
Jo enjoys sharing the hilarious story of PEG GETS CRACKIN', about Peg, an egg who was afraid to crack out of her shell with kids everywhere. This virtual visit can be modified to accomodate the grade level that is participating. For the younger group (K-2) after reading the story, she discusses the message of how scary it can be to try something new. But also how GREAT that feels when you do it! She encorporates a fun, interactive activity where everyone 'breaks out of their shell' and loves to leave some time for questions and conversation. She also offers a pdf activity page that teachers can print and kids can draw a picture of somethig brave that they have done or would like to do.
For the older grades (3-5) Jo focuses more on the journey of how an idea becomes a book. The concept of where ideas can come from (ANYWHERE!) through how the publishing process works. Including the patience and perseverence involved. For more information and event cost, please contact me at JoRenfro59@gmail.com .
30 minutes
This 30 minute session is an opportunity for kids who are interested in learning about how an idea makes it's way to becoming a book and teachers and students are encouraged to ask any question about the process, the writing and revision, the art process or whatever! for most information and event cost, please contact me at JoRenfro59@gmail.com .
45-60 minutes
Jo enjoys speaking to big, enthusiastic groups of students and her presentation is geared to students off all ages. She uses her humorous book, 'PEG GETS CRACKIN', and her next adventure, 'PEG GETS PLUCKY and talks about the stories, and the bookmaking journey. She includes several funny examples of stories and illustrations from past and present and also shows some 'process videos' of her art. She ends with an engaging activity to encourage everyone to 'crack out of their shell.' Questions are always welcome if the venue accomodates for that. And the staff thinks it's a good idea :) For more information and event cost, please contact me at JoRenfro59@gmail.com .
45-60 minutes
This presentation focuses mainly on the illustration process. From the creation of the character and the story, to the color palette, and the making of the picture book dummy. From loose sketch to finished art. Jo uses several examples of process videos to show how some of her characters came to be. It can be modified depending on the age of the students. For more information and event cost, please contact me at JoRenfro59@gmail.com .