Attaching a little promo piece I did for myself. Yes, I have a big of an obsession with salted caramel! And now that it is the Christmas season...I get to make some! I only do it this time of year, because If I allowed myself to make it all year round... it would be bad. When my Dad was here, I would make if for him for his birthday because we had a shared love of that gooey, sugary, buttery treat. Miss you Daddio!
In non-caramel related news... I just got word that I should be getting my review copy for 'Peg Gets Crackin' in the next week or so, and I gotta say...I CAN'T WAIT!!!! It will be so amazing to see Peg in all her glory! Work has begun on book two in this series and I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I have so many ideas for Peg, so I hope everyone loves her as much as I do.
